Introduction to Meditation – with Robin Lysne via Zoom
Four weeks: Tuesday Nights, March 8-April 5, 2022
7:30p.m.-8:30 p.m., PST
$25 per class, $100 for all four sessions. Make checks payable to: Robin Lysne funds to be shared with AMB

Learning to meditate can change your life by learning to manage thoughts and the breath to support greater self-awareness. It offers ways to relax and regulate the body/mind for clearer focus in your daily life and to find inner peace. This class teaches the Hong Sau technique as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, which helps to create a firm foundation for the practice of meditation. Move towards greater harmony, peace, and unconditional love. Join us for this class in learning how to shift your consciousness and step towards your God-Consciousness.
To register contact Robin Lysne @

About Your Teacher: 

Robin Lysne, Ph.D. is an author, artist and energy medicine practitioner with 30 years experience teaching and offering intuitive healing sessions to private clients. Her graduate work was in Spirituality and Psychology with Matt Fox, and her second masters was in creative writing from Mills College. Her doctorate is in Energy Medicine where she wrote about the Heart Path Process that she developed. She is a certified Ananda Meditation Teacher, and uses Heart Path, as a guided imagery technique, which offers a way to love the self into transformation towards the Self.